5 Skills to Keep Calm and Protect Your Integrity (Even in Polarizing Situations)

Darren Stehle
2 min readMay 3, 2022
Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

How often have you seen comments on social media degrade into arguments and personal attacks?

You’re in control of how you want to respond if you need to take a stand. You can add to the polarization or choose to make a reasoned response. When you need to make your voice heard, here are 5 practical skills to manage your emotional state and protect your integrity.

1. Show Respect

Every human being deserves dignity. You don’t have to like or agree with them, but respect, even in anger, builds bridges.

2. Use Silence as Action

Silence provides time to calm the reactive parts of your brain and return to logical thinking. When you’re ready, you can return to a difficult conversation with integrity.

3. Manage Your Behaviours

Know your emotional and environmental triggers.

Manage or turn off social media notifications so you get to decide when you will take part. When you fight back online, you give away your power to the person who started the argument. Know when you need to walk away to avoid more upset and to avoid feeling guilt or shame after saying something out of blind anger.



Darren Stehle

Your wisdom, leadership, and guidance are exactly what someone, somewhere needs, right now. Don’t hold yourself back! DarrenStehle.com