Do You Ever Feel Sorry for Yourself But Don’t Know How to Stop? (3 Steps to Feel Better)

Darren Stehle
2 min readMay 11, 2022
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Feeling sorry for yourself sucks: it’s disempowering, passive, and unproductive.

The way to stop feeling sorry for yourself is to look back to find the cause, and re-frame your thinking. Feeling sorry for yourself is a visceral experience. To connect mind and body, it’s best to do this process by hand: with pen and paper or your journal.

Step #1: “What am I feeling sorry about?”

Write about every detail of what you’re feeling.

  • For this practice to work well, get specific and granular. Don’t hold anything back.
  • Dive into the “woe is me” part of your story and each of the disempowering, yucky feelings and thoughts that are part of your experience.

Step #2: Reflect on events that lead to the feeling.

It’s time to re-trace your steps to this point.

  • Describe the events, triggers, emotions, and thoughts that contributed to how you’re feeling.
  • Go back in time to yesterday and the last few days: what events contributed to how you’re feeling?
  • Do you feel positive or negative in relation to those events?

Step #3: Re-frame how you want to feel.

To stop feeling sorry for yourself, you need to re-frame your perceptions of these past events.

This is not about re-writing history or concocting a lie. You are re-framing your experience and feelings into positive learning experiences. This is the action step to improve how you’re feeling.

  • Ask, “What can I do, right now, that will make me feel better about this situation?”

A gentle warning: This is not always easy.

Finding the positive in situations can be challenging — sometimes downright daunting.

But this isn’t about faking it. You need to find the truth of what’s good — the learning experience — in your situation. Even if you only improve how you’re feeling by a small amount, that’s a win.

What happened, is fixed. How you think and feel about it, is flexible.

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Darren Stehle

Coaching change-makers to align with your values, develop confidence and self-mastery, and contribute to an equitable and just society.