How to Unlock Your Best Year Yet in 2024 Based on Your Core 2023 Insights

Cultivate happiness and transform your well-being with this simple 8-Day journaling process.

Darren Stehle
16 min readDec 30, 2023
Photo by Vanna Phon on Unsplash

In early January 2021, I received an email with a link to a list of the top 80+ articles on Medium about planning your goals for 2021.

Seriously! 80 articles? Who has time for that?

Unless you’d rather procrastinate, sifting through 80 articles is the perfect “rabbit hole.”

For many, the end of December is their annual review time.

You might have been thinking about how 2023 went for you, what you’ve accomplished and learned, your major milestones, and so on.

Many coaches will offer a downloadable worksheet with a list of questions, or even a program, to do a deep-dive review of your accomplishments, and then establish your goals and actions for the coming year. This year, I did something different by posting a single self-reflection question on LinkedIn over 8-days.

Each question focused on a single aspect of your 2023 year-in-review, making it easier to approach in bite-size pieces, and the opportunity to think about what you’ve accomplished over a longer review period.



Darren Stehle

Your wisdom, leadership, and guidance are exactly what someone, somewhere needs, right now. Don’t hold yourself back!