What Is Most Important in Your Life: What You Own or How You Feel?
Last August, my partner, Christiaan, moved to Montreal from Toronto to start a new job. I helped him move and spent the next five weeks with him before returning to Toronto in September.
His new studio apartment was a significant downsizing from the two-bedroom, two-story apartment we had in Toronto. Yet, the significantly smaller space provided me with the opportunity to reflect on the meaning — and importance — of my possessions.
I didn’t have a date for when I was going to be able to move to Montreal so we could be together.
However, after spending five weeks together — without much of our other furniture still in Toronto, my books, artwork, and other things, I was surprised that I missed none of those things. All I had with me for that five-week period in Montreal were a few books, my computer, clothes, and my journals. I was content.
I felt a liberating awareness that I could let go of everything I had ever purchased, including a unique piece of art that moved me so much when I first saw it that I had to buy it. But that’s another story!